Start Your Baby Registry On Amazon
Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! Welcoming a new baby into the family is both an exciting and overwhelming time in your life. Fortunately, you have several months to get things ready for arrival. Setting up a baby registry allows your friends and family to buy gifts for the baby that you can use and enjoy. If you're not sure where to start, Amazon has you covered. Check out these frequently asked questions to help you get started with your registry.
When should you start a baby registry?
There's no hard or fast rule for when you need to start registering for baby items. However, most parents-to-be wait until they have discovered the sex of the baby so they can plan accordingly. Those who want to wait to find out the sex until the baby's birth or those who aren't planning around the baby's sex can start planning as early as week 12 of the pregnancy. Parents need to give friends and family ample time to shop, so they need to be sure to have the registry set up before the Baby Shower Invitations go out.
What day-to-day items should you register for?
While a baby registry is a great way to get some of the bigger and more expensive items you need, don't forget that a baby's seemingly inexpensive day-to-day needs quickly add up. Some smaller items that you'll always need for baby include:
Diapers in newborn and larger sizes
Baby wipes
Baby shampoos, soaps and lotions
Breast pump and breastfeeding supplies
Baby Bottles and Baby bottle cleaning supplies
Baby Cribs
Baby Bib and Burp Cloths
Baby Grooming
Childproofing tools
What big ticket items should you register for?
When it comes to furniture for the nursery, parents often prefer to buy these items in advance so they can set up the baby's room early. However, it's not out of the question to register for a crib, changing table or rocking chair if you need help with these purchases. Other large items for your registry include:
Baby Car Seats
Baby Strollers
Baby Swing
Baby Bouncer
Baby Playard - Pack N Play
Baby Bassinets
Baby High Chairs and Booster Seats
Which items should you skip on the registry?
Babies grow fast, but they don't grow that fast. There's no need to register for potty chairs, toddler-sized clothes, and other items your baby won't need for months or years. Limit your registry to the essentials you'll need in the early stages.
Speak with other parents about their experiences with various baby items. Every baby is different, so while one parent got along just fine without a wipes warmer, others swore by one to keep the baby calm and comfortable. Using their experiences and advice, you can determine which items you should add and which ones to skip.
Additionally, there are several items you'll end up with even without registering. It might be tempting to add all of the cute outfits you see to your registry, but you'll inevitably end up with a mountain of baby clothes your child will outgrow after wearing only once. Shop the Everyday Low Prices at Amazon for your baby's wardrobe and save the precious space on your registry for other essentials.
How can you save money on baby needs?
Your baby registry and baby shower will take care of the bulk of the gear and supplies that you need. However, you won't get everything needed to make it through the first year of a baby's life. Amazon makes it easy to save money on supplies. If a local competitor has a lower advertised price, you get an eGift card for the difference. You no longer need to drive around town to find the lowest prices.
How do you set up a baby registry?
You can set up a registry in the store or online at Amazon. Create an account, answer a few questions about your baby, and start adding items to your list. You can browse the top registry items purchased by other parents to help you make selections with Amazon's app. you can access and manage your registry from your phone any time you wish. You even have the ability to use your phone to scan items in the store and add them directly to your registry.
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